- /wia/LEO Manuals/CJTC LEO Academy 2015/BS MOCK #2/

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10/18/2024 4:29 PM 13497 BS Afternoon.docx
10/18/2024 4:29 PM 14365 BS Morning.docx
10/18/2024 4:29 PM 33792 PP - Audible alarm to business after hours. Doors forced open with mutiple motion alarms inside (2009-04-27).doc
10/18/2024 4:29 PM 34304 PP - Felony warrant service on a suspect who is a flight risk (2009-04-27).doc
10/18/2024 4:29 PM 33280 PP - Open door alarm, no K-9 available, building searched and two suspects located-one flees on foot (2009-04-28).doc
10/18/2024 4:29 PM 34304 PP - Silent residential alarm, one suspect inside while the other is stacking property outside (2009-04-28).doc