- /wia/LEO Manuals/CJTC LEO Academy 2015/Module 4/M04 S02 - Rules of the Road _ Equipment Violations/

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10/18/2024 4:30 PM 2088362 Book (424 pages) WAPA 2014 search and seizure manual (3) (2014-07-23).pdf
10/18/2024 4:30 PM 190003 Facilitator Guide - Rules of the Road _ Equipment Violations (2014).pdf
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10/18/2024 4:31 PM 31758 HANDOUT - Mendez Passenger Control Checklist (2007-05-00).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 96196 HANDOUT - Rules of the Road Scenarios (07-2014) - updated.pdf