- /wia/LEO Manuals/CJTC LEO Academy 2015/Module 4/M04 S04 - High Risk Vehicle Stops/
[To Parent Directory]
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 426956 Facilitator Guide - High Risk Vehicle Stops (2014).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 958234 FG Supp - Article - Rushing into High-Risk Situations (c) (2008-07-28).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 1425140 FG Supp - HRVS - Vehicle Ballistics (2005-08-24).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 33581 FG Supp - HRVS Verbal Commands _ Extraction Steps (2008-07-15).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 69137 FG Supp - Modified High-Risk Tactics (2008-07-15).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 403026 FG Supp - Myth of Patrol Car as Cover (2008-01-01).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 13628 FG Supp - Stolen Plates Problem Statement (2008-07-15).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 10630 FG Supp - Two Tragic HRVS Examples (2008-07-15).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 780794 HANDOUT - High-Risk Vehicle Stops (2009-07-21).pdf
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 1479910 MEDIA (1 min) - Clip C - LAPD Shoot Armed Suspect (2008-07-09) HRVS.wmv
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 3078905 MEDIA (2 min) - Clip B - Officer Killed (2008-07-02) HRVS.wmv
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 5791133 MEDIA (3 min) - Clip A - Cop Runs Up to Door (2008-07-01) HRVS.wmv
10/18/2024 4:31 PM 392192 PowerPoint - High Risk Vehicle Stops (2014).ppt