- /wia/LEO Manuals/CJTC LEO Academy 2015/Module 7/M07 S07 - Patrol Investigations/

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10/18/2024 4:33 PM 599780 Facilitator Guide - Patrol Investigations (03-2015).pdf
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 189942 HANDOUT - Gunshot Wounds _ Evidence (2009-07-22).pdf
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 194328 HANDOUT - Shooting Investigations (2009-07-22).pdf
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 465928 HANDOUT - Vehicle Identification Number - VIN (2009-07-22).pdf
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 1075573 MEDIA (1 min) - Robbery Suspect Uses Fire Extinguisher (2005-06-22).wmv
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 951982 MEDIA (1 min) - Robbery with Multiple Suspects A (2005-07-25).wmv
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 4047860 MEDIA (2 min) - Robbery with Multiple Suspects B (2006-04-04).wmv
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 4711424 Patrol Investigations2.ppt
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 4513603 PowerPoint - Auto Theft Investigations.pptx
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 8779097 PowerPoint - Shooting Investigations.pptx
10/18/2024 4:33 PM 3641948 PowerPoint - Stabbing Investigations.pptx